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Photo of Natalie Enright Jerger

Natalie Enright Jerger


Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Orcid identifier0000-0002-0526-2080
  • Professor
    Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Natalie Enright Jerger is the Director of the Division of Engineering Science and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She is currently the Canada Research Chair in Computer Architecture and was formerly the Percy Edward Hart Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She has received many prestigious awards throughout her career such as the McLean Award from the University of Toronto, the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and the Borg Early Career Award. She is a Fellow of the IEEE and the Engineering Institute of Canada and a Distinguished Member of the ACM.

She has served as the program co-chair of the 28th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), the 7th Network-on-Chip Symposium (NOCS) and the program chair of the 20th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). In 2017, she co-authored the second edition of On-Chip Networks with Tushar Krishna and Li-Shiuan Peh. Her research is supported by NSERC, Intel, CFI, AMD, Qualcomm, and CRC.

Beyond research, Enright Jerger is also involved in outreach activities for women in computer architecture having served as chair of WICARCH from 2011-2022. She strongly encourages all women working in this area to consider joining.

Media availability: TV, Radio, Print/Online


  • Director
    University of Toronto, Division of Engineering Science, Toronto, Canada2023 - present
  • Professor
    University of Toronto, Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada2017 - present
  • Visiting Scholar
    Advanced Micro Devices, Bellevue, USA2015 - 2016


  • Intern
    IBM2006 - 2006
  • Intern, Microarchitecture Research Lab
    Intel (United States), Santa Clara, United States2004 - 2006
  • Intern
    Hewlett Packard, Vancouver, USA2001 - 2001
  • Intern
    Hewlett Packard, Vancouver, USA2000 - 2000


  • PhD
    University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, United States
  • M.S
    University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, United States
  • B.S
    Purdue University West Lafayette, West Lafayette, United States


  • Industry Projects
  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision
  • Media enquiries
  • Collaborative projects